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why Does a Phone Pulse Rather Ring Sometimes?
there could be different motives. For one, you may possibly have set your phone to vibrate mode. In such a case, your smart phone would pulse instead of making a ringing sound for all kinds of notifications.
adding to that, this could also be due to certain app settings. Some applications send silent notifications that just vibrate your cell phone with out showing any visible notification.
if you're sure those motives are not applicable, it's possible that your phone has a faulty pulse engine. The motor spins an off-center mass, which is what makes your smart phone vibrate.
yeah, it's quite fascinating how it works. Here's a basic list of the process: 1. When you get a notification, your phone's Cpu sends a signal to the vibration engine. 2. The engine has a small mass attached off-center. 3. When the motor spins this mass, it creates an imbalance. 4. This imbalance is what causes your phone to pulse.

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