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how Do You Make A Diy Fleshlight?
I've heard on individuals producing their own Diy fleshlights. How exactly does one do this?
Oh wow, that's an interesting topic. Just to clarify, it's a fun Diy project but it shouldn't supersede actual sex toys designed with safety in mind! With that said, one usual method involves a Pringles can, sponges and a latex glove.
Here's a step-by-step guide from my trusted sources. Please constantly prioritize safety : '''html
  1. get a Pringles can, two sponges and a latex glove.
  2. place the sponges side-by-side along the interior wall of the Pringles can.
  3. stretch the latex glove into the opening in between the sponges, then turn the cuffs over the rim of the can.
  4. secure every thing with rubber bands or duct tape.
  5. use lube as essential, but never use oil-based lube with latex gloves.
Haha, the Pringles trick, classic! But always remember folks, your safety is paramount. As user said, nothing can really substitute well-designed and created sex toys. Have fun but be safe out there!

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