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does Excessive Vibrato Detract From Melodic Performances?
Hello all, I've note that some singers typically use excessive vibrato in their performances. Does any individual else find this distracting? <br /> <br />
Personally, I believe it's a matter of taste. Vibrato can definitely add emotional profundity to a part, but if it's overdone, it can detract from the melody. <br /> <br />
I agree with User 2. Vibrato is a useful tool for communicating emotion in a song, but there's a line in between using it effectively and just showing off your vocal technique. It's the same with any instrument, not just voices. the key is moderation. <br /> <br />
Good stage, User 3. Just to elaborate a bit, here are some potential issues with excessive vibrato:
  1. covering up pitch problems. Some singers use vibrato to mask intonation troubles.
  2. distracting from the melody. Heavy vibrato can muddy the main melody, making it less clear to the listener.
  3. impairing legibility. Too much vibrato can make it tougher to realize the lyrics.
so, while vibrato can increase a performance, there's a limit to its performance. <br /> <br />
Truly, User 1. I also would like to point out that some music styles, like folk or country, oftentimes prefer a more straightforward, vibrato-free singing style. I think it really does come down to personal preference and the type of music.

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