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handmade Fleshlight
have any of You Tried Making Your Own Fleshlight?
</strong> I've been taking into consideration trying to make a handmade Fleshlight. Has any individual here done it before?
</strong> I tried once. It was a fun project but not as satisfying as the real deal from the company.
</strong> Here are some household items you can use:
  1. sponges
  2. latex gloves
  3. cornstarch
always wash and be supplementary canny to avoid any injury.
</strong> I've tried it a few times with different materials. It's fun as a Diy project, but for long-term use, I'd recommend purchasing from a dependable supply.
</strong> Thanx for the responses. I guess I'll give it a try just for the practice of it.
</strong> Sure, why not! It could be an interesting experience for you. <blockquote>remember, safety first! Any Diy project can be fun but risking your health is not worth it. </blockquote>

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